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UK assets will not revert to being English after independence

WE are regaled about questions on indy about the future. In 2014 someone even asked about the cost of a first class stamp in Scotland after indy? The individual forgot one important point – that an independent Scotland could have one postal rate for letters and a not privatised “Royal Mail”.

However, the converse of this needed to be asked, namely, did one know the future cost of the stamp in the UK? Or more to the point, what would the cost of the stamp be in England or rUK after indy?

This is an important issue and needs to be addressed when engaging with Scots independence.

We simply respond to the question “what about…?” by asking what is England going to do when it is out of the Union about taxation loss when Scottish revenue flows to the UK Treasury? Or how will England as a third country export to Scotland when we take up our vote from 2016 to go back into the EU?

Every question about Scots independence has an important implication for England and the rUK.

When the UK fixed and moveable assets are redistributed after independence, how will England cope with the loss of jobs, revenue and assets?

The hidden assumption that British assets are de jure and de facto English because many seem to be located south of the border, is to be challenged constantly. Gold reserves are not an English only!

British government employees stationed in England handling matters relating to the UK, will need to be reduced there when these roles and jobs are taken up by Scots north of the border!

When the “rubbish” questions are fired about Scotland and indy, there is an obvious downside impact on England and the rUK!

We change the mind set and respond accordingly.

Finally, when the obvious red herring is thrown up, as we have seen lately over the UK armed forces assisting in Scotland with vaccine roll out, that we are to be ‘thankful’ for the benevolence of the UK, we simply asks when the English NHS, a devolved matter, is going to express gratitude for the help given by the UK armed forces.

The assumption is always that UK assets are actually English!

The Union is not England!

The biggest wrench will surely be for the unelected Peers of the Realm from Scotland when they are ejected from the English Lords after Indy and lose titles and privileges, government sinecures and tax free allowances and subsidised meals.

They can, after all, stand for election to Holyrood!

John Edgar

HOW refreshing it was to see Alexander MacKay praising Ruth Davidson for her integrity during the recent Brexit trade deal debacle at Holyrood in the Scottish Daily Mail at the start of the year. Ms Davison is showing true leadership and her integrity can be further demonstrated by her Holyrood track record.

Prior to the EU referendum vote in 2016, Ms Davidson supported Great Britain remaining in the European Union. Prior to that, after the Scottish independence referendum, she was in favour of a second independence referendum should there be support for this from the Scottish people. So what about Ruth and the once in a generation Scottish referendum claim? Please note that this soundbite has now been replaced by “Once in a lifetime”.

Well, that is because Ms Davidson knows that the Scottish independence referendum in 2014 was governed by the Edinburgh Agreement which quite clearly states that there are no barriers to another independence vote. Of special interest to us is the clause stating that “a material change of circumstances” would certainly justify another Scottish independence referendum. Most commentators would agree that Scotland being pulled out of the EU against it’s will, absolutely meets this criteria.

As well as demonstrating great integrity, Ms Davidson also shows remarkable consistency during her time at Holyrood.This can be borne out by demonstrating that she later campaigned AGAINST another independence referendum, appearing to have had a change of heart. So, Ruth was in favour of another Independence referendum should the nation decide and showed consistency at a later date by publishing a manifesto AGAINST another independence vote. This was in fact the only item on the agenda which is highly unusual.

Ruth also was defiant in her stance supporting the remain side in the EU referendum. Ruth was blessed with the birth of her baby boy recently and announced her retiral from politics specifically to raise her child. Unexpectedly, Ms Davidson then made a welcome return to Scottish politics which coincided with Jackson Carlaw’s resignation and the appointment of D Ross. Now Ruth proudly leads the Conservative party branch office in Holyrood.

Ruth was firm in her support for continued membership of the European Union. However, with the granting of her peerage, her support for the. European Union appears to have dissipated.

With regard to another letter which you published recently, let me add that according to a series of recent consecutive polls indicate that 50-58% of Scots favour independence. However, to supplement your reader’s comments on Scotland and trade, you should be aware that independence parties in Scotland seek to end the POLITICAL union with England. The economic union will continue.

I trust the above comments add a little additional information to Mr MacKay.

WJ Graham
East Kilbride

SO, the 21st consecutive poll shows majority support for independence. The imbecile Boris Johnson seems not to have grasped that the Union is now in an inevitable death spiral. He fired his Scottish adviser because he did not like the advice he was being given. He is currently using tax-payers’ money to recruit new staff to propagandise for the union. This is so farcical because knowledge of Scotland isn’t even considered essential.

The Unionists regularly like to chastise the Scottish Government whenever it is revealed they have spent taxpayer’s money preparing for an independence referendum. But when Boris Johnson is spending vastly more doing the same thing, they are silent. Just as “Scottish” Tories are only ever bothered about corruption when they are not getting a cut.

Now the Scottish Food and Drink Industry are warning of price rises and shortages in April. This will be when the full horror of Boris Johnson Brexit debacle will be shown. The Scottish Fishing Industry is already losing £1 million per day. The gullible fishermen all fell for the lies that Johnson told them about the Earthly paradise that awaited as soon as they left the Common Fisheries Policy.

These price rises and shortages should take affect at the same time as the energy price rises the Tories let go ahead last week. Also, people will feel the wage and benefit cuts as well as tax rises to pay for the pandemic.

Brexit was always a massive con. It was a scam for the enrichment of Tory donors. It was sold by liars and spivs like Nigel Farage, Michael Gove, Dominic Cummings and Boris Johnson All these Tory donors then make £millions which they then take to tax-havens. These are the same people now saying that independence will be risky to the Scottish economy. This is Goebbels-worthy propaganda. The Tory Unionists are ignorant, callous, amoral, misanthropic monsters.

Alan Hinnrichs

YESTERDAY I was having a grand old chat about politics with my new pal, Marvin from Mars. He’s been on earth a few weeks now and contrary to popular belief, he isn’t green. That is a fallacy apparently.

Being from Mars, unlike us Earthlings, he has soaked up mountains of information in just a few weeks, about politics throughout the UK covering the last five years. Yesterday, looking extremely puzzled, he asked me in his Martian language, which for ease of legibility I’ve interpreted accordingly, “I’ve read about everything Boris Johnson has said and done in his public and political life. I’ve done the same for Nicola Sturgeon. Given this, can you explain why around 20% of Scots prefer Johnson to Nicola Sturgeon? I thought it would be a big fat zero!”

I’m afraid I was unable to answer my friend in any other way than to encourage him to speed read his way through several books on the psychology of the human mind. He came back to me a few hours later and proudly announced, “I’ve got it. According to Joseph Conrad, ‘The mind of man is capable of anything’.” “Quite”, I sighed.”

Ivor Telfer
Dalgety Bay, Fife

NOW you hear it. Now you don’t.

Little snippet on the BBC. The Queen lobbied Westminster in the 1970s not to disclose her personal wealth. Should be a big media deal. Buckingham Palace spokesman puts out a statement. She didn’t. Problem vanishes.

In the famous phrase coined by Mandy Rice Davies during the call girl scandal at the Profumo case. “He would say that wouldn’t he”.

Seems she also stepped in so that Balmoral and Sandringham would not have to put up with the traffic regulations that everybody else had to adhere to.

This is the family, that every time there is a crisis, Her Britannic Majesty, The Queen Empress, Elizabeth the Second of England gets her slot on the sycophantic media, telling how wonderful we all are at these difficult times and she shares our hardship.

Aye right.

Hardship for her and her ever expanding brood is having to squeeze their own toothpaste tube.

When did they ever worry about meeting mortgage or paying the utility bill?

When did they ever worry about having a job next week or even have to do a night shift? Answer: they never have.

The Royals, the pinnacle of the class system in this declining and decaying UK.

What in this 21st century are they for, other than perpetrating this pathetic nonsense of Lords, Baronesses and Knights of the Realm?

A gourmet meal ticket because of accident of birth should no longer be acceptable in a modern democracy. Time for change.

D Smart

MARTIN Hannan’s article “SNP issues its guidance on postal voting in time for May”(February 10) didn’t fill me with confidence!

“(Ruth) Davidson somehow claimed that the Better Together Unionist alliance has been ‘incredibly encouraged’ by what she called a ‘sample opening’ of postal votes.” This is what she said in a television interview just after the polls closed on September 18 2014.

She was interviewed but no charges were brought against her or anyone. Can anyone tell me why she or anyone else is allowed to tamper with votes? Is this likely to happen again?

Pauline Grant

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