Home / Royal Mail / Vitamin Company Loses VAT Appeal At UK Supreme Court

Vitamin Company Loses VAT Appeal At UK Supreme Court

By Todd Buell (May 11, 2022, 9:38 AM EDT) — A vitamin delivery company lost its appeal to the U.K. Supreme Court on Wednesday when justices rejected its claim that it was entitled to deduct a form of value-added tax that had erroneously not been assessed.

The U.K. Supreme Court’s judgment against mail-order vitamin supplier Zipvit means the U.K. tax authority could be spared £1 billion in claims in similar situations where Royal Mail did not charge VAT. (iStock.com/bpperry)

The verdict is a defeat for the company, Zipvit, a mail-order supplier of vitamins and minerals, and a victory for the U.K. tax authority, HM Revenue and Customs, in a dispute over…

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