Our team has conducted some major research on Ian Liddell-Grainger, current as of 2019-08-13. Ian Liddell-Grainger is a politician in Bridgwater and West Somerset who can be contacted at ianlg@parliament.uk. Here’s their handsome photo:
Twitter activity: As of 2019-08-13, Ian Liddell-Grainger apparently still does not have a Twitter account (what a farce…)
Facebook activity: As of 2019-08-13, Ian Liddell-Grainger has 157 likes on their facebook page, 466 followers and has been maintaining the page since May 31, 2017. Their page ID is ianliddellgrainger.
How popular is Ian Liddell-Grainger right now? On Google Trends Ian Liddell-Grainger had a popularity ranking of 88 ten days ago, 0 nine days ago, 0 eight days ago, 0 seven days ago, 0 six days ago, 89 five days ago, 88 four days ago, 0 three days ago, 0 two days ago, 0 one day ago and now has a popularity rank of 0. So in the recent past, they were gathering the most attention on 2019-08-05 when they had a rank of 89. If we compare Ian Liddell-Grainger’s popularity to three months ago, they had an average popularity of 25.6, whereas now their average popularity over the last ten days is 26.5. so by that measure, Ian Liddell-Grainger is getting more popular! But in any case Ian Liddell-Grainger can’t be considered an extremely popular person, at least as of 2019-08-13, since they have a rank of 0 on at least 1 day.
And what about how Ian Liddell-Grainger has fared if we consider the entire past 3 months? Our date indicates 2019-07-27 to be their most popular day, when they had a relative rank of 100. Not bad!
We found suggested searches for people looking up Ian Liddell-Grainger include Ian Liddell-Grainger (duh…) and Anne Liddell-Grainger.
As of 2019-08-13, Google Trends didn’t bring back any related queries for Ian Liddell-Grainger.
We did some more thorough analysis today on the web sentiment regarding Ian Liddell-Grainger, and found precisely 3 news articles about them in the past month. Some of these are the article ‘I throw them in the BIN!’: Britons call for scrapping of 1p and 2p coins, published by Daily Mail and found at https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7334183/I-throw-BIN-Britons-call-scrapping-1p-2p-coins.html, the article Royal Mint produced NO 1ps or 2ps last year for the first time EVER published by Daily Mail and found at https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7327347/Royal-Mint-produced-NO-1ps-2ps-year-time-EVER.html, and the article The Top 10: Things politicians have brandished in speeches, published by Independent and found at https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/top-10-things-politicians-have-brandished-in-speeches-a9026641.html.
Considering everything written about Ian Liddell-Grainger (not just official news articles), we decided the overall sentiment for Ian Liddell-Grainger on 2019-08-13 is acceptable.
Do you have anything you’d like to share on Ian Liddell-Grainger as of 2019-08-13? Let us know in the comments! (And keep it civil)

Karen Crowder
990 Vesta Drive, Westchester, IL 60154

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