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What’s been happening in your community this week

Launceston Stamp Club held its May meeting recently with 18 members in attendance. The chairman opened the meeting and welcomed the dealer for the evening Mr Rex Eccott and after the completion of the formalities introduced the speaker for the evening Mr Des Kent of Bude whose topic and display was entitled ‘Bude, Stratton and Beyond’.

Des began his display showing a card with a stamp affixed appropriately postmarked both depicting Guillaume Bude, a French scholar, who lived from 1457 – 1540. Getting closer to the Bude we know in North Cornwall this was followed with an envelope showing a fine example of a barred numeral 442 postmark which had been allocated to Bude in 1844. An example of a British Expeditionary Force letter sent from France to a lady in Bude came next. A postcard which generated some discussion related to the Bude Philatelic Society which had been sent in the 1940’s and despite Des making extensive local enquiries little had been established about the society. Perhaps someone might read this and be able to shed some light on the society. Another item which proved interesting was ‘The Penny Farthing Post’. The post was established by a local Bude business man on 1st April 2012 in protest at Royal Mail raising the First Class letter rate to 60p but it was short lived because of its popularity! Des showed examples of the labels that were used plus examples of their usage on cover. A very early pre-stamp cover to London bearing a ‘Stratton Strand’ receiving postmark was shown. A selection of covers with cancellations from post offices in the villages around Bude then followed including examples from Widemouth Bay, Crackington Haven and Week St Mary.

Getting to the ‘Beyond’ part of the title Des displayed a selection of pages of covers from the Trucial States in the Persian Gulf which later became the United Arab Emirates. The states were Abu Dhabi, Ajman, Dubai, Fujeira, Sharjah, Umm al Qiwain and Ras al Khaima. There were also covers from the period after the postal administrations had been amalgamated . This was followed by examples of more covers this time from the French Colonies in Africa. Finally the display was wrapped up with pages from his medal winning collection of Namibia.

A fine display enhanced by local content and considerable research with some more to come.

A vote of thanks was given by the chairman Viv Sandercock who presented Des with the Club’s certificate of appreciation.

The next meeting will take place at Yeolmbridge Methodist Church at Ladycross on June 6 at 6.30pm. New members and visitors welcome.

Rehoboth Singalong proved to be a most enjoyable occasion, on May 12, singing the hymns chosen by Rachael Parsons who led the evening.

The hymns were: Morning has broken, Will you anchor hold, Be still and know that I am God, I know that my redeemer lives, and Jesus is our shepherd. Barbara Uglow played the organ. The evening concluded with supper. The charity box continues at the back of the chapel.

The quiz night to raise money for the removal of trees with ash dieback at Tremaine Church was a lovely evening. Tresmeer Village Hall was a good venue and quiz master Edward Bailey had set a varied mixture of questions that left all the tables of teams a good challenge. The tables were well supplied with nibbles. Tesco had kindly donated crisps and tortilla chips, and in the interval trays of bread and cheese very kindly given by Waitrose in Holsworthy were brought out. Many expressions of approval were heard at the variety of cheese, the grapes and chutney making up the trays. 

There was an excellent raffle with a lot of very good prizes generously  given by people wanting to help. Prizes included a voucher for a Thai meal for two delivered to your home kindly given by local company, Joy’s Thai Kitchen, lots of bottles of wine and liquor, an M&S voucher, chocolates, and biscuits. Willa Bailey, the local representative of Cornwall Historic Churches Trust had very generously paid for the rent of the hall.
It was lovely to look around the room and see smiles on everyone’s faces and everyone thoroughly enjoying themselves. People from many local parishes had come to support the evening and Tremaine PCC is extremely grateful for all the help and support they have received. The evening raised over £400.

Morning prayer will be held on Monday and Wednesday at 10am in St Melor’s Church.

Evensong will be held at 6.30pm on Sunday, June 2.

An All Age Service will be held in St Paul’s Church, Upton Cross, at 10am on Sunday, June 2.

This will take place on Saturday, June 1, in the Parish Hall at Upton Cross from 10am to noon.

A five foot table costs £5 and three foot table £3. Cars £6. Bookings needed at [email protected]

The working party will meet on Saturday, June 1, at the entrance at 10am — anyone with any spare time and interested to help most welcome.

May’s meeting of the WI did not go quite according to plan. Our speaker, Joanne Shepherd (aka Mrs Miracle) had to cancel on the day, due to illness.

However, our president, Kim Sudell, came to the rescue, hosting an entertaining quiz on flowers which we all enjoyed.

As May is the start of our new year, it was also the month in which the annual prizes for our competitions are handed out.

Muriel Brown won the weekly competition. The runners-up were Marion Turner and Mavis Macleod. Muriel also won the flower competition and Marion was again the runner up.

The day following our meeting, seven of us enjoyed a meal at the restaurant by the Premier Inn in Liskeard, Liskeard Tavern, which is sadly closing in July.

The June meeting is on June 12 and we are looking forward to another talk on bees from Linkinhorne’s own Dale Wood.

The Holsworthy Hamlets Flower Club demonstrator for the May meeting was Sandra Huxtable whose title “Colours of the Rainbow” was interpreted so well in flowers and foliage. A tall glass vase containing multiple coloured fabric held an arrangement of multi coloured foliage and flowers including tulips, roses, lisianthus, and chrysanthemums. In a home made, oasis free, container many garden flowers and foliage were used to compliment red roses and white alstroemeria. Sandra’s final arrangement using a tall wicker container blended with the bronze and pink lily’s , “Miss Piggy” roses and toning broom and foliage. Sandra and the members were welcomed by Sylvie Harris , Chairman and the thanks by Kath Durling.

This very enjoyable evening followed on from the visit in April of Janet Ward which was also greatly enjoyed. She also used many colourful flowers including sunflowers, lisianthus, and a seascape inspired arrangement using delphinium, pennywort and eryngium

The club is now looking forward to June 11 at the Methodist Hall in Holsworthy 7.30pm when Elaine Reynold will inspire us with a demonstration to celebrate the club’s Ruby Anniversary.

THE first Community Breakfast was served in The Stable on Saturday 18th and was hosted by Chilsworthy Methodist Chapel. There was a selection of cereals, fruit juice, full English and toast. It is planned that the community breakfasts will be held on the third Saturday of each month. After the breakfast this month, a working party set about giving the Chapel grounds a spring tidy up.

The Holy Communion service for Pentecost Sunday was held at the Methodist Chapel and was led by Mike Reeves of Soldon Cross, with the welcome and opening devotions led by Ruth Bealing.

We worshipped the Lord by singing: ‘You are beautiful beyond description’, ‘Spirit of the living God fall afresh on me’, ‘Breathe on me breath of God’, ‘In Christ Alone’ and ‘Love Divine All love’s Excelling’.

The singing was led by Dionne Bere on keyboard and with Mark Shepherd on guitar.

The lesson was read by Mark Banks and the prayers were by Ros Watson.

Mike administered the Holy Communion with Mary Care acting as communion steward.

The tech desk was operated by Tim Watson.

Coffee and biscuits were served after the service.

Letterboxing and I Spy was the theme for this months Muddy Church for families with young children, held in Chilsworthy Woods on the afternoon of Sunday 19th, by kind permission of Tim and Ros Watson.

On Sunday, May 12, St Pancras Church held a Songs of Praise followed by a Cream Tea, to celebrate St Pancras Day.

Rev Alison Hardy led the service and Barbara Cole the organist. Mel Mcveane read the lesson, Julia Warren did the prayers of intercession, Adam Revitt gave a brief account on the history of St Pancras.

St Pancras is depicted in a statue in the porch and in the east windoe holding a palm leaf a symbol of martyrdom. The hymns were chosen by the church members, Martyn and Mandy, Dave and Libby, Adam and Annette, Roger and Heather, John and Julia and Barbara. Many thanks to all who supported this service.

On Saturday, May 18, the members of Granville Lodge No. 3405 hosted a charity fund raising event at Bude Masonic Hall.

The theme was ‘musical’ and featured Pop and Opera. Talented local singer Elizabeth Hobbs performed a wide range of songs much to the delight of the fifty people who attended. The lodge was supported by friends and family as well as members of other lodges who enjoyed a tasty Ploughman’s Supper after the performance.

Charity steward Peter Reeve presented Elizabeth with a bouquet of flowers and she was thanked for her popular and highly professional performance. Margaret Reeve was also presented with a bouquet by Past Master John Weller for preparing a splendid supper and for her hard work leading up to the event. It was agreed by all those attending that it was a very enjoyable and successful evening with £675 being raised for the Masonic Charitable Foundation 2024 Festival Appeal.

Bude WI held their monthly meeting on Tuesday, May 14, at the Bude Methodist Church Hall. The meeting was attended by 69 members, of which eight were new members, plus three visitors. They were greeted by Elizabeth Barker who ushered them to new Treasurer, Margaret Birch, from whom they received their County News Magazine and Bude News. After the singing of Jerusalem, President Cynthia May and Secretary Heather Stephenson, detailed upcoming events, a trip to the Royal Cornwall Show, theatre trips and the always popular Mystery Trip. Members heard details of a successful beach clean, walks, get togethers and a trip to Boscastle by public bus.

The guest speaker, Janet Few, the history interpreter, was introduced. She gave an informative and amusing talk entitled Remember Them – memories of 1946-69 and how to write your own life story. The usefulness of including important national events, ie death of George 6th, launch of the first Sputnik, and pointing out how useful this information can be to social historians, and your own family. The photograph shows President, Cynthia May thanking Janet Few.

The meeting closed at 9.30pm with a reminder that the guest speaker at the June meeting will be Sarah from the Clovelly Soap Company. As usual visitors will be very welcome.

Ladies who do travel to Boscastle by public transport ( )

Janet Few and Cynthia May

Janet Few and Cynthia May ( )

Bonaventures Women’s Institute

Martin Clunes coming to Week St Mary? Surely not! Almost is the answer. The majority of you have probably been watching our May speaker on television for the last 25 years. Paul Martin, a local man (no relation), appeared in the TV series “Doc Martin” for all 10 series filmed over a total of 22 years; firstly as an Extra and, in later years, as a body double for the Doc himself. Because he had been encouraged in his youth to take part in performances on stage, he applied for the part of an Extra as soon as he knew that a new TV series (as yet untitled) was due to be filmed in Port Isaac. He was accepted and so began his career as a TV and film extra.

Halfway through the series Paul started to take on the role as body double for Martin Clunes. This involved filming which did not show Martin’s face. It included driving the Lexus car or sitting in the back seat for the wedding or single shots like providing an arm or hand. He also graduated to minor speaking or non speaking parts. At other times Paul was a body double for a stalker and a Policeman. Interesting points of interest were that children from Delabole School were used for non-speaking parts: speaking parts for minors were provided by stage schools and all children were exceptionally well looked after.

Following his experience on Doc Martin, Paul went on to become an extra in “Delicious” with Dawn French and also the German series of the Rosamund Pilcher plays filmed in Guernsey. His latest parts were in “Beyond Paradise” where many of the outside shots were filmed in Launceston. Other film parts have been in “The Kid who would be King” starring Patrick Stewart, “The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society” starring Lily James where he was seen riding a bicycle in Clovelly, as well as “World War Z“ starring Brad Pitt where he was a zombie for two minutes!

It’s time to vote on this year’s Resolution.

The WI has a proud history of campaigning its first campaign being for convenient and sanitary housing.

Past resolutions include Women on Jurys, Equal Pay and Keep Britain tidy.

This years resolutions were the impact of poor housing, better outcomes for women in the social justice system, no gambling advertising and the resolution most members voted for – Dental Health Matters.

Members of Marhamchurch WI listened to a report on the present state of dentistry in the UK and reasons to support this particular proposal. Rachel Roberts gave an explanation of the much disliked Unit of Dental Activity (UDA) which is probably mainly responsible for Dentists moving into private practice sighting inadequate NHS payments. Rachel also told members of the several years wait on the list for an NHS dentist in Cornwall and pointed out that in august 2023 the nearest NHS dentist who would be happy to accept patients from Cornwall was in Portsmouth – perhaps WI outing is called for!!

After listening to the report members voted unanimously to support the motion . This vote will be taken by our representative Valerie Wonnacott who will be attending the meeting at The Albert Hall along with delegates from WIs countrywide.

Following the vote members took their places for a Beetle Drive. Dawn MacDonald had printed the playing sheets and members got the hang of the whole thing by the last round. Whoops and hurrahs were heard throughout the Sunday School Room as sixes were thrown eventually.

The afternoon continued with a general knowledge quiz. Shirley Youldon, president of Marhamchurch WI had organised the quiz which was noisily appreciated although it was not the “Easy Quiz” promised.

Tea and biscuits rounded off an enjoyable meeting. Thanks to Pat Rowland who had brought delicious home made cookies as a special treat for members.

THE Luncheon Club for May was held on Wednesday 15th in the Methodist Chapel at Shop. Thank you to Rob and Dawn Leighfield for preparing Beef in Red Wine or Stuffed Mushrooms as a vegetarian option. This was followed by a choice of delicious desserts. Proceeds were in aid of the Chapel and the Woodland Trust, this month we chose to support an environmental charity to recognise our need to protect God’s creation.

THE Merrytones Praise Group led the service on Pentecost Sunday at Morwenstow Methodist Chapel at Shop, with the theme of the service being ‘The Holy Spirit’.

Bill Cleave led the prayers of praise, thanksgiving and confession.

Colin Tape was the organist for the hymns: ‘Come down O love divine’, ‘Lord teach us how to pray aright’, ‘Spirit divine attend our prayers’, ‘O thou who camest from above’ and ‘Spirit of the living God’.

Lessons were read by Stuart and Janet Ash and Ken Boundy.

Freda Olde read a poem and the prayers of intercession were led by Jennifer Vanstone.

The Merrytones Praise Group sang: Take Time To Be Holy and Will you Walk With Me.

The projector was controlled by Stuart and Janet Ash.

The service was followed by coffee and a chance to chat in The Wesley Room.

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