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What’s On?: The website for Neston News, Events and Information (Neston)

26 Mar 2023 – Derry Girls’ Writer Brings New Youth Theatre Play The Heights to Neston

Published: 20th March 2023 11:58

As part of a nationwide celebration of new plays, Neston’s own InterACT Youth Theatre Group will perform a play of many emotions

InterACT Youth Theatre form part of charity Little Actors Theatre Company, based at the heart of Neston town centre, in the Town Hall. They want to perform to the community as part of National Theatre Connections – a nationwide celebration of new plays for young people.

The theatre group will be performing ‘The Heights’ by Lisa McGee, one of ten plays especially commissioned for Connections, by the writer of popular television show Derry Girls. There will be two opportunities locally to catch the show, at 2.30pm and again at 5pm, on Sunday 26 March.

2.30pm and again at 5pm, on Sunday 26 March 

The Heights is a play about stories. Lillie is a teenager who lives on the Heights Estate. A place where nothing ever happens, except in Lillie’s head. Lillie’s not like most people, definitely not. For starters, she never goes out, but sits in her bedroom window on the sixth floor of her tower block, watching the world and the people in it go by – though sometimes some of those same people enter her world. As she sits, she makes up stories. Some of these stories are sad, some are happy, some are funny and some are just wonderful. However, whatever they are, they are just stories. Aren’t they? Surely these are all just stories, dark, curious, beguiling figments of Lillie’s fertile imagination aren’t they?

National Theatre Connections is one of the UK’s largest celebrations of youth theatre. Plays are commissioned for and about young people, from some of the best contemporary playwrights, and performed by schools and youth theatres all over the UK and Ireland. Young people have the opportunity to get involved in all aspects of creating and staging the play both on and offstage, from set design to costume, lighting and stage management.

In 2023, National Theatre Connections is working with up to 300 youth theatres and schools to stage ten commissioned plays and all the companies will transfer their production to one of Connections Partner Theatres across the UK.

Rufus Norris, Director of the National Theatre has said: “Connections is at the heart of the National Theatre’s work for young people, built on the belief that young people in every corner of the UK should have the opportunity to experience and take part in theatre. We’re so excited to welcome new and returning youth theatre companies and schools to take part in Connections this year. All participants are invited to get involved with every aspect of theatre-making and have the chance to premiere a brand new play in a leading regional theatre”.

Artistic Director of InterACT Youth Theatre, Samantha Giblin, says that to be part of NT Connections is to be part of a bigger creative picture. The play will transfer to The Lowry on the 30th April, giving the young people the chance to work in a professional venue, network with their peers and stretch their horizons. InterACT will also present the play at the Gladstone Theatre, Port Sunlight, as part of the Leverhulme Drama Festival on the 22nd April.

To book to see InterACT Youth Theatre perform The Heights at Neston Town Hall on Sunday 26 March, please visit Little Actors on TicketSource,  or contact the box office by calling 07385 849864or by email to mail@littleactorstheatre.com.

For further information, please visit the LATC website, or find out more about National Theatre Connections.

 Neston Town Hall
High Street
CH64 9TR





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