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Why do people eat fish on Good Friday? Everything to know

The celebration is kicked off by Palm Sunday and continues over the course of the Holy Week before ending on Easter Sunday (March 31) which marks the day Jesus rose from the dead.

While eating Easter eggs is a culinary tradition enjoyed by nearly all, some may be less familiar with the custom of eating fish on Good Friday (March 29).

Why do people eat fish on Good Friday?

Stroud News and Journal: Eating fish on Good Friday is a tradition dating back to a rule set out by the Catholic Church.Eating fish on Good Friday is a tradition dating back to a rule set out by the Catholic Church. (Image: Getty)

The tradition of eating fish on Good Friday traces its roots back to the catholic rule of not consuming the meat of warm-blooded animals on Fridays.

When this rule was decried by the Catholic Church, many opted to eat fish instead. However, in the 1960s, a new ruling by the Vatican stated that this could be modified based on the person’s economic circumstances. 

For other Christian groups, the tradition is very symbolic as Jesus referred to his disciples as ‘fishers of men’.

Early Christians would also identify themselves using a fish symbol, a practice that continues today.

For many non-Christians, the tradition persists with many choosing to only eat fish on this day.

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What is Good Friday?

Good Friday around Easter time is the day commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

This day is observed by many Christian denominations including the Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican and Presbyterian churches.

The date of Good Friday varies every year in both the Gregorian and Julian calendars. The day is a bank holiday around the world, including in parts of the United States of America, the United Kingdom and Germany.

The term ‘Good’ Friday comes from the ‘pious’ and ‘holy’ sense of the word ‘good’ with this being in common use across the faith (i.e The Good Book etc).

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