The world’s oldest living man, John Alfred Tinniswood, has passed away at the age of 112.
As per BBC, this news was confirmed by his family. He passed away on Monday, November 25 at the Southport care home where he lived.
His family said in a statement, “Mr. Tinniswood’s final day was “surrounded by music and love.”
The statement added, “He had many fine qualities. He was intelligent, decisive, brave, calm in any crisis, talented at maths, and a great conversationalist.”
The family further added, “We would like to thank the many people in the UK and across the world who sent well wishes to John on his recent birthdays.”
Mr. Tinniswood, born on 26 August 1912, the year the Titanic sank, was named the UK’s oldest man in 2020.

He was recognized as the world’s oldest living man in April this year by the Guinness Book of Records, following the death of Juan Vicente Perez Mora, who passed away at the age of 114.
Mr. Tenniswood is survived by his daughter Susan, grandchildren Annouchka, Marisa, Toby and Rupert, as well as his great-grandchildren Tabitha, Callum and Nieve.
He met his wife, Blodwen, at a dance in Liverpool, and they married in 1942.
After World War Two, he was employed by the Royal Mail and later as an accountant for Shell and BP, before retiring in 1972.
Since turning 100 in 2012, he had been receiving an annual birthday card from the monarch, first from the late Queen Elizabeth II, and more recently from King Charles III.
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