Home / Royal Mail / The return of Leafy Leamington?

The return of Leafy Leamington?

​LEAMINGTON is looking leafier thanks to the planting of new trees.

​The Leamington Society have planted two trees in Priory Terrace in front of the Royal Mail distribution centre.

Old trees there were felled almost twenty years ago. Ever since, two grid pits have stood bare with some ‘temporary’ tarmac fillings and have attracted cigarette buts and other small litter too difficult to remove from between the grills. Many residents commented how much they missed the trees there.

The Post Office manager approved the plans to beautify the area and confirmed they would be happy to see the trees there – the pit grids are located on their land.

The two trees, a Prunus Amonagawa and an Acer Platanoides, were planted by society member Ignaty Dyakov-Richmond and Bruno Eurich from a local plant nursery who will continue to look after the trees with the help of residents.

They also conducted a blitz litter pick in Priory Terrace.

​Barbara Lynn, chair of the Leamington Society, said: “We are delighted to have been given permission by the Post Office to plant these trees. We look forward to seeing them flourishing and hope that one day people will be able to refer once again to “leafy Leamington“, as the town used to be known.”

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