Home / Royal Mail / Girl, 10, draws own King Charles stamp on letter to grandparents and Royal Mail delivers

Girl, 10, draws own King Charles stamp on letter to grandparents and Royal Mail delivers

Lily-Mai Lee, 10, decided to write notes to her grandparents, who live in York, to tell them how much she loved them – but got creative when it came to the postage fee

Royal Mail successfully delivered the letter

A 10-year-old girl has proven that love knows no bounds – or postage fees.

Young Lily-Mai Lee from East Yorkshire was “over the moon” when Royal Mail delivered her heartfelt letters to her grandparents, despite the absence of traditional stamps. Taking matters into her own hands, Lily-Mai decided to pen loving notes to her grandparents residing in York, expressing her affection for them. She carefully placed the letters in an envelope, addressed it to ‘nana’ and ‘grandad’, and diligently wrote their address and postcode on the front.

Lily-Mai Lee, 10, wanted to write to her grandparents


Hull Live/MEN MEDIA)

She drew her own postage stamp


Hull Live/MEN MEDIA)

Instead of using conventional stamps, Lily-Mai showcased her creativity by drawing her own, complete with a tiny portrait of the King adorning the corner of the envelope. Unbeknownst to her mother, Leanne, she then posted the letters near her home in Pocklington.

The following day brought a surprise. Her grandmother called Leanne to inform her that they had received the lovely letters. Photos were taken of the handwritten notes, which bore the stamp of approval from the Royal Mail on their journey to York.

Leanne told Hull Live: “Lily-Mai is quite independent and will walk into town with her friends, so it wasn’t out of the ordinary that she went out. She came back from the post office looking chuffed with herself, but didn’t say much about what she had done.”

This is probably the first time little Lily-Mai has ever penned letters. These weren’t just any letters, but heartfelt notes tucked inside envelopes, expressing her deep love and longing for her grandparents. Leanne received a call from her own mum the very next day, confirming the arrival of the letters.

“Lily-Mai was over the moon when she found out her nana had received them,” shared an elated Leanne. She confessed her initial skepticism, saying, “I really didn’t think Royal Mail would process and post them without a stamp. It got me the most that Lily-Mai didn’t put on their real names, just ‘nana’ and ‘grandad’, so the postal workers would have known she was a child. It was lovely that they made her day like that.”

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