Home / Royal Mail / Letters: ‘The Royal Mail is not as efficient as it used to be’

Letters: ‘The Royal Mail is not as efficient as it used to be’

AS Royal Mail was privatised several years ago, why has the “Royal” not been removed, it ought to be “UK Mail” or similar.

When I was a postman, many years ago, post boxes had “time tablets” which had to be updated each time the box was emptied.

Now I see boxes with “last collection 7am/9am” etc. What use is this?

The box needs a 5pm or 6pm empty to cater for business folks. It is little more than theft to charge the first rate and have letters going nowhere for many hours.

In my day, last collection was 10pm – rapid sorting/bags sealed/down to the railway station – and delivered in London the next morning!

The present set up is far removed from this kind of efficiency.

Letters posted on Teesside for local delivery are sent to Tyneside mail centre – and then brought back.

Date, stamp and time on letters also seems to be a thing of the past.

GB Butler, Stockton-on-Tees

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