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Peterborough: Man attacked victim with pool cue

2:37 PM July 11, 2022

A man has attacked another with a pool cue, causing him to need reconstructive facial surgery.

The incident occurred on February 15, 2020, when Steven Rodriguez-Taylor was celebrating a birthday at the Court Pool and Snooker Club in Bretton, Peterborough.

The 21-year-old was part of a group playing pool at the location.

As the conversation turned to ‘going out’ after leaving the pool club, a female member of the group became upset as she was unable to go.

Tempers then began to fray as a result, and comments were made.

Rodriguez-Taylor began playing pool but soon became verbally abusive towards one of the other players, due to their earlier comments.

An argument followed, before Rodriguez-Taylor’s victim saw the man move behind him, but was unaware that he had a pool cue in his hand. 

Rodriguez-Taylor then struck his victim on the side of the face, knocking him unconscious.

He then began to kick and stamp on the man, before being grabbed by a witness.

Escaping the witness’ grip, Rodriguez-Taylor pushed another out of his way, causing them to fall on their wrist.

After another witness tried to grab him, the assailant ran from the premises.

Steven Rodriguez-Taylor appeared at Peterborough Crown Court on Wednesday (July 6) where he was sentenced to four years in prison.

The man from Ilminster Avenue in Bristol had pleaded guilty to grievous bodily harm with intent and actual bodily harm.

Detective Sergeant Louis Scott, of Cambridgeshire Police, said: “Rodriguez-Taylor’s violent and disgraceful assault on the victim not only left serious physical injuries but will also have been very traumatic for him.

“I am glad that a violent person is now off our streets and behind bars where hopefully he can reflect and learn from his despicable assault with the pool cue essentially being used as a weapon.”    

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