Home / Royal Mail / Royal Mail collection office to reduce opening hours from next week

Royal Mail collection office to reduce opening hours from next week

A Royal Mail collection office is to stop opening in the evenings and reduce its hours on Saturdays. People who use the service say the change will prevent them from collecting their post.

At the moment, the collection office, in Melton, is open from 8am to 10am, 12pm to 2pm, and then 4pm to 7pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. On Thursdays, the office is open an extra hour in the evening, closing at 8pm.

However, from Monday, August 8, evening opening hours will be scrapped. The office will be open more consistently through the day, from 8am to 2pm from Tuesday to Friday, but will not reopen after that. Saturday’s closing time will be brought forward from 2pm to 12pm.

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The delivery office in Melton Mowbray will only be open from 8am to 2pm for most of the week – with no evening opening hours

The only day remaining the same will be Monday, when the office is open from 8am to 10am.

One affected resident said on the Neighbourhood Watch Melton Mowbray Facebook group: “So the banks shut early, and now the Royal Mail parcel office. Why?”

Other people pointed out the difficulties the changes would bring for those who do ‘normal’ working days Monday to Friday, and will now have to collect their mail on Saturday mornings.

One person wrote: “Not at all helpful for anyone who works a normal working day …. Maybe one late night opening would be beneficial??”

Another added: “Really tricky for those of us who work full time!”

Local residents have criticised the changes as it makes collecting mail difficult for those who work weekdays
Local residents have criticised the changes as it makes collecting mail difficult for those who work weekdays

A third wrote: “That’s really handy for people that work full time. What’s going on?”

A Royal Mail manager wrote: “Royal Mail offer many inflight options if you are not going to be in, before your parcel is delivered. Also, why not have your parcel delivered to your workplace? If you miss a delivery, there are also free redelivery options.

“Since Covid 19, the number of parcels has fallen and the footfall through the callers office has also dropped. The new times are national times and out of control of your local delivery office. The delivery staff at Melton work very hard to ensure you get a great service. We deliver over 95 per cent of all parcels first time.”

Royal Mail has been contacted for a comment.


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