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The Queen’s home Buckingham Palace in numbers: 12 seriously surprising facts

The Queen‘s most iconic residence in the heart of London is of course Buckingham Palace. From the staggering number of rooms through to how many windows the building has and how far the garden really stretches, discover the royal residence in numbers….

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1 Post Office

The Queen doesn’t have to go far to send a letter as there is a Court Post Office within the grounds, which is run by Royal Mail. A photo at the IWM shares a glimpse at what it looked like in 1941, however, we imagine it has changed greatly since then

24 meters high

The Shard and The Gherkin may tower high above the Queen’s home in the capital, but at 24 meters tall it’s still taller than six double-decker buses stacked on top of each other.

The building may not be extremely tall but it is grand

19 state rooms

These are official rooms, which are suitably grand, are used when dignitaries come to visit, and they can be toured by members of the public too.

40 acres of gardens

The largest private garden in London belongs to Her Majesty, and it’s pretty spectacular – there’s even a lake!

MORE: The Queen’s never-before-seen secret rooms at Buckingham Palace revealed

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The glorious gardens are a highlight

92 offices

Lots of busy work goes on at the monarch’s home and that’s why there are plenty of offices on-site for employees of the royal family.

188 staff bedrooms

Many roles at the palace require an overnight stay or an even longer residency which is why there are so many staff bedrooms inside the walls of the palace.

A young Prince William admiring the crowds from one of the palace’s windows

350 clocks

Nobody is ever late for the Queen and this is ensured with plenty of timepieces around the house. It takes more than an entire day to adjust them all when the clocks change twice a year.

760 windows

The grand residence has more than 700 windows and to keep them looking spotless they are cleaned every six weeks.

775 rooms

The fact that the palace has 775 rooms clearly indicates the sheer size of the grand building.

The palace has 40,000 lights in total 

20,000 sandwiches

Guests munch through a grand total of 20,000 sandwiches at one of the Queen’s annual garden parties. They must be good!

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The monarch’s home has undergone painstaking renovations

40,000 lights

You can only imagine the electricity bill the monarch must rack up with 40,000 lights throughout the residence.

£369,000,000 refurbishment

Thanks to the sheer scale of the palace, redecorating doesn’t come cheap and considering the building required a rewire and extensive modernisations recently, the current changes are looking to be well over £300 million.

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